Women Empowerment

Women empowerment in rural society.  _________________________________________________

In order to change attitude about gender roles and develop relations between men and women, reduce violence on women and make them empowered in a male – dominated society, our activities in this connection is to create awareness, help women become active both economically &  socially and increase leadership activities among women, that relates to their empowerment in the society.


Our Gender Equalities and Women Empowerment program is operating in 120 villages in Sitakund and Mirsari Upazilla with aim of preventing gender based discrimination and violation, reduce gender inequalities by economic and legal empowerment of helpless women in rural society.


Features of this project.                                   ______________________________________________________________________________________

  • Social mobilization for changing attitude and behavior for making women active economically & socially and their empowerment in the society.
  • Develop relation between men and women by creating awareness in a mail dominated society through community discussion, workshops, seminar etc.
  • Prevent gender based discrimination, reduce violence on women and elimination from Sexual Harassment in the society by creating awareness among targeted groups, such as transgender, sex workers and HIV/AIDS sufferers.
  • Creating awareness among marginalized women about their right for rising their voice against violence on women and help them become empowered in the society through training, social and legal support.
  • Prevent sexual harassment in educational and other institutions by creating awareness through  advertisement, workshops, seminar etc.


Asking Support.

We always welcome Institutional donors working locally and internationally, government and other humanitarian Organizations to collaborate with us for the activities within our territories and provide financial and other support for expanding our activities over the country among poorest and disadvantaged population.

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