Step Ahead Global Leadership

Step ahead to global Leadership.


SJF believes that leadership and skills development among youth and adolescents and strengthen of their education, knowledge and techniques related to social advancement, are essential criteria for becoming active partners of the globalization procedure. This is a great job for the nation at this moment to provide enough support by the government, civil society, activists and policymakers for creating opportunity for making our young generation capable of becoming active partners in global competition.   

Our initiative to this connection with our limited resources to improve leadership and management capacity and improve skills by providing quality training on Management Strategy, Entrepreneurship development, Corporate Finance, Branding and other issues among our staffs as well as government and other non- government Organizations and outsiders.

Training and Orientation.                                             ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Our learning division has been developed with consent and components consisted of the following issues :-

      • Provide quality training to our staffs as well as government and other non- government Organizations and outsiders on several issues related to poverty reduction, social mobilization, health, nutrition’s & Population, Education development, gender equalities and other issues as our intervention strategy.
      • Arrange training and workshops on Management Strategy, Entrepreneurship development, Corporate Finance and Branding, which can contribute to the economic development of the country. 
      • Provide training to the targeted group at field level for making them skills on any specific area by involving them with economic activities to develop their livelihood.
      • Participate with national and international Organizations for providing training jointly on any issues Related to social and economic development of the poor and marginalized people.


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