Volunteering & Social Advocacy

Volunteering and Social Advocacy.


SJF is dedicated to bring possible changes in the lives of poor and marginalized people in the society through increasing volunteering and social mobilization relating to human rights and social empowering.

Our Volunteering and Social Advocacy Program is aiming to emphasis to mobilization the Common People, Aristocrat Society, Communities and Organizations for increasing voluntary help for marginalized people and create awareness among all levels of people through social advocacy to bring positive changes in social behavior and raised voice in favor of the marginalized people in the society.


Features of SJF Volunteering and Social Advocacy Program.                 

Our Volunteering and Social Advocacy Program is consisted with the following features :-

  • Provide voluntary services among people affected with any natural & climate change disaster with emergency food, medicine, drinking water and rehabilitation into quick recovery mode.
  • Provide voluntary services and create social awareness relating to human rights and social empowering to accelerate positive changes in the lives of marginalized people in the society.
  • Creating awareness for social mobilization through advocacy among Policy Makers, Individuals, Communities and Organizations to bring positive changes in social behavior and raised voice in favor of the marginalized people in the society.
  • Working in the same ground with like minded National and International Organizations.
  • Cope up and volunteering with government activities related to development of lives and livelihood of marginalized and affected people.


Asking Support.

We always welcome Institutional donors working locally and internationally, government and other humanitarian Organizations to collaborate with us for the activities within our territories and provide financial and other support for expanding our activities over the country among poorest and disadvantaged population.

For making any donation to our fund :    Click here
For sponsoring any of our activities   :    Click here


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  Globalization Ahead
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  Journey with Struggle
  Poverty Reduction  
  Social Mobilization
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  Contribute to Society
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SJF Bangladesh

Banani, Dhaka

Mob : 88 01819011372

Email : info@sjfbd.org

Web : www.sjfbd.org

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