SJF Activity Areas

SJF Activity Covering Areas.


SJF activities mainly covers the areas related to Poverty reduction, Education, Reproductive, Maternal and Child health, Human rights awareness, Women empowerment, Advocacy  and Training & Orientation among people of undeveloped society in Bangladesh. Our activities at present is in a limited range covering a few geographical areas in the Chittagong district, which we have plan to expand gradually all over the country within next few years, short brief of which are as under :-

Formal, Informal and pre primary education :  Formal, Informal and pre primary education among disadvantage communities in rural areas to enhance primary education among their children. Creating awareness about education, influence people for enrolling their children to primary schools in due age and reduce droop out at primary level is the aim of this program. Where poor students remain out of formal education due to economic crises, distance of school and other problems and informal education in those areas through SJF Community Schools.

Junior Scholarship program : Junior Scholarship program will be launched among students of Class five for three academic years to maximum 20 students each year initially considering merit for facilitating their studies at junior secondary level. This program will enhance enrolment at secondary level for the poor talented students and continuation their study uninterrupted.

Healthcare at concession rate :  Reproductive health, Maternal and Child health care service through full time doctor at a concession rate at Upazilla headquarter among poorest and disadvantaged population, beside providing health care at field level in rural areas. This program helps the poor to reach healthcare saving money and Creating awareness about prevention and protection of disease among poor and disadvantaged communities.

Poverty Reduction Activities :  This program is for increasing economic activities among poor and disadvantaged women in rural areas through community development, which help women become financially active, contribute to their families and helps them empowered in the society.

Training, Advocacy and Orientation: Activities under this program is governed targeting  young and adolescents for development of skills and leaderships on several issues related to poverty reduction, social mobilization, health, nutrition’s & Population control, Education development, gender equalities,  Entrepreneurship development and other issues as our intervention strategy, which can contribute to the overall economic development of the country.



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