Micro Finance

SJF Microfinance Program.

SJF realizes that more than 17.50% population of the country and above 70% people living in rural areas are still far behind to fulfilling their basic needs, such as – proper food, minimum standard shelters, education of their children, proper treatment and other potentials of life due to their extreme poverty. The only way to overcoming this situation is to improve the economic conditions of those population through involving them with economic activities and increase their income level.

SJF has been implementing micro-credit program among poor, ultra-poor and disadvantaged population with the aim initially to encourage self employment by developing their skills in any specific economic area and involving them with any income generating project within their range providing small capital under micro-finance for improving their financial situation and livelihoods of their family members.

Methodology. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Before applying for loan, all members are to participate in the training and orientation programs organized by SJF on several economic opportunities considered for them and the loan are issued on the basis of their training and experience on that specific economic area only. Moreover, SJF Micro-Credit program includes a mandatory weekly savings scheme fixed up by SJF for all the group members and enrolling their children to school in due age is another prime criteria for sanctioning loan.

Financing are considered among the members targeting their real economic developments through a group model consisting of 5 (five) members in a group and minimum 6 (six) groups in a center from the local community within the range of TK. 5,000/= – 15,000/= to each individual member and maximum of TK. 40,000/= for micro enterprise. Loans are issued to the group members depending on the period of their membership with SJF, Loan product, financial situation & no. of members of that family, previous payment record and fulfillment of other criteria .

Loan criteria. ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Loan issued as collateral-free through our field members, who work as a platform among women and bring them together, share information and raise awareness on issues concerning their daily lives. A minimum savings of 2.5% of the loan amount is required for the first loan period and a minimum savings of 15% of the loan amount is required for all subsequent loans.



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