Human Rights Awareness

SJF is dedicated to protecting and promoting human rights of the poor and marginalized people and their legal empowerment as well, through our Human Rights & Legal Empowerment program throughout the Country. Our initiatives in this connection is to create awareness and mobilize communities to raise their voice against injustice, discrimination and exploitation and create environment to ensure equitable justice for the poor and marginalized people in the society. 

SJF Human Rights & Legal Empowerment program is operated by a committee consisted of several social and legal experts from central office and legal services are provided to the victims through our legal team. At field level, we develop awareness among the communities for raising voice against injustice and improve human rights by providing legal assistance to the victims.


Features of human rights development project.                                  _____________________________________________________________________________________

  • Raising awareness among poor and marginalized people of their rights through counseling, legal referrals and capacity building and raise their voice about their legal rights. 
  • Provide legal assistance to the victims through our legal team amongst our core areas, such as, violence on women, gender inequalities, labor tracking and violation of human rights etc.
  • Working with like minded institutions engaged with legal aid & human rights development activities.
  • Arrange sessions among targeted group for generating knowledge of their legal rights that are directly impact the lives of vulnerable communities.
  • Arrange workshops, seminar, meeting etc. among civil society, social workers and policy makers for influencing and promoting human rights and their legal empowerment in the society.
  • Creating awareness among the communities, influence government and law enforcing agencies to ensure human rights in their activities.
  • Publish observation report on the law & order situation along with legal prescriptions.


Asking Support.

We always welcome Institutional donors working locally and internationally, government and other humanitarian Organizations to collaborate with us for the activities within our territories and provide financial and other support for expanding our activities over the country among poorest and disadvantaged population.

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