Help Poor and Disables

Realise the Needs of Helpless __________________________________________________

As per BBS survey 2016, poverty rate in the country was 42.2% including extreme poverty and poverty gap, of which 46.7% is in rural areas and 30.4% in urban areas. As of 2018, estimated population of the country was 163.7 million, of which 119.09 million (72.75%) live in rural areas and 44.61 million (27.25%) live in urban areas. As such, the country have still (163.7 X 42.2%) = 69.08 million people living in poverty, of which rural (119.09 x 46.7%) = 55.61 million and urban (44.61 X 30.4%) = 13.56 million.

At that time rate of extreme poor were 12.9% in the whole country, 14.9% in rural areas and 7.6% in urban who have no fixed income, suffer from chronic hunger and many type of disease over the years. They have inadequate shelter, deprived from education and other potentials of life and become victims of natural & climate disaster always. Majority portion women of this category population are not involved with any economic activities, who are simply housewives dependent on income of their husband. They are unacquainted with proper survival, violence on women and other social instability are the common phenomenon among the people of this category due to poverty. 

Realizing the needs of a poor and helpless and come up with helping attitude is the responsibility of the people of all levels, which can help the poor overcome poverty and improve health, education and other potentials in their life.  

There is scope to get involve with this fight by making a donation to SJF to expand our activities over the country rapidly or by sponsoring any of our activities. Your donation and contribution will be highlighted through our activities, by which you can get much satisfaction and obtain social recognition.


Asking Support.

We always welcome Institutional donors working locally and internationally, government and other humanitarian Organizations to collaborate with us for the activities within our territories and provide financial and other support for expanding our activities over the country among poorest and disadvantaged population.

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