Disaster Response & Environmental Protection

Bangladesh is a Country where natural disaster as well as other manifestations of climate change, is a common phenomenon. Millions of people are adversely affected with flood, cyclone, flow-tide and other natural disasters almost each year, which impacts on economic inversion among peoples living in rural areas and threaten to slow down economic development of the Country.

Our Disaster Response & Climate Change Protection program has been designed for quick response with relief and rehabilitation for affected people and move quickly to the affected areas into recovery mode. To be more effective, however, provide Medical Team, Sanitation and pure drinking water in the affected areas beside training themselves to build up capacity for facing natural disasters and to be the first responders when calamities strike.


Features of SJF Disaster response & Environmental Protection program.  ______________________________________________________________________________________

In order to respond proactively to the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters, our activities are:-

  • Quick response with relief and rehabilitation for affected people and move quickly into recovery mode to any natural and climate change disasters in Bangladesh. 
  •  Provide Medical Team, Sanitation, drinking water and other necessary support to the affected people.
  • Provide training on disaster management, adaptation strategies and risk reduction through building     capacity at the community level for facing natural and climate change disaster.
  • Facilitate and coop up with government disaster management and aid in affected areas.
  • Survey of affected areas for resource allocation and preparedness for our own as well as to cope up with government relief programs.
  • Conduct research & study focusing on climate change and disaster management .
  • To become contemporary with any National and International Organization in natural and climate change disaster.


Asking Support.

We always welcome Institutional donors working locally and internationally, government and other humanitarian Organizations to collaborate with us for the activities within our territories and provide financial and other support for expanding our activities over the country among poorest and disadvantaged population.

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For sponsoring any of our activities   :    Click here


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SJF Bangladesh

Banani, Dhaka

Mob : 88 01819011372

Email : info@sjfbd.org

Web : www.sjfbd.org

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